
Myth 4: You Need to do Therapy to Do Shadow Work

Debunked by Dr. Connie Zweig and Keila Shaheen

Some people will want a guide as they begin to explore unconscious feelings and fantasies. Others will feel safe to do this privately, with a journal, or with a friend.

In the Shadow Work Journal, Keila wrote: "If you're consistently feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or depressed and it's negatively impacting your daily life, it might be time to seek professional help."

She adds that if you have recurring nightmares or feel socially withdrawn, these are also signs of the need for support.

Need guidance on your shadow work journey? Start here.

Dr. Connie agrees and adds:

"For people who have been in therapy and know they have a personality disorder or mood disorder, shadow work can risk triggering difficult thoughts and feelings and thus triggering deep issues. But for most people, especially those who know how to center themselves and live a balanced life, shadow work can be done on your own. When you are exploring hidden or shameful feelings or wishes, practice remembering that this is not who you are--this shadow part is not your essential nature -- and come back to center with your breath or prayer or walking meditation. Whenever you meet the shadow, go slowly, watch for triggers, write notes, and return to your center. Remind yourself that this shadow is a part that's been buried and that wants to be seen and tell its story." — Connie Zweig, Ph.D

For those who already explored the Shadow Work Journal, check out Romancing the Shadow by Dr. Connie Zweig for the next phase of expanding your shadow awareness.

“Romancing the Shadow took me on a journey both profound and revealing. This book changed my perspective somewhat and has me looking within at my own shadow characters as a means to become a more integrated individual. It also gave me a clearer idea of what to focus on in my own development in relationships, work and midlife. I got so much out of this book. Kudos to the authors for this important work.” - Amazon Review

Start reading Romancing the Shadow by Dr. Connie Zweig here.

Meeting your shadow is a steady, life-long feat. And there is no singular destination to walk towards in the journey. The shadow will tease you on your unique life path, shape-shifting at the edges of your conscious mind’s eye. It will reveal itself as a bat darting through the night, a shiny new boobie trap that lures you into a fantasy. Or it will charge at you, like a hungry bear in the woods. Whether it approaches with subtlety or alarm, learning to recognize it’s presence and knowing when to make the call for help is vital. Asking for help along the walk toward your most integrated self is an act of courage and grace.

What would be possible if you allowed yourself to be fully seen, even in your darkest moments?

REMEMBER THIS: healing does not happen all in isolation. It’s a shared journey that holds even more potency through genuine connection and support. When you embrace the shadow, you expand your capacity for authenticity, love, and creativity, and unleash the magnitude of your fullest essence.

If you are not in the position or are unable to access therapy during your shadow work practice, we would like to offer you a FREE 1-year access to The Zenfulnote App, on us. Follow the steps below to claim your gift.

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With love and gratitude,

Keila & Connie